Summer Skin Prep: Essential Guide for Melanin Queens April 27, 2024Maïthé Bizabishaka As the warmer months approach, it's time to give your skin some extra love and attention to ensure it stays healthy, glowing, and protected throughout the summer. This means paying...
Empower Your Beauty: A Journey of Self-Love and Clean Ingredients March 14, 2024Maïthé Bizabishaka In a world that often dictates beauty standards, it's empowering to see a shift towards celebrating diversity and individuality. For women of color, the journey to self-love and...
6 tips to prevent hair loss July 03, 2023Maïthé Bizabishaka Hey Maïshangels! Since the release of our hair products, we often receive questions regarding specific hair conditions. Today we present you 6 tips that can help you with hair loss. Hair...
Great habits to have to improve hair growth April 16, 2023Maïthé Bizabishaka Hey Maïshangel's! Did you ever thought about what you can do to improve your hair growth? Using good products is essential, but having great habits is a MUST! Here are...
Benefits of vegan beauty products March 21, 2023Maïthé Bizabishaka In today's blog we will like to highlight the benefits of vegan beauty products. Many people are turning into these kind of products because of the new hype on the...